
What do we offer our employees?

As an excellent technology and service provider, Bedeli provides opportunities for employees all over the country to shape a bright future. Improving the quality of life of employees is the driving force behind the development of the company. We encourage our employees to be personalized and to treat diversity as a company's wealth. To improve employee creativity and job satisfaction, we strive to achieve a healthy balance between work and personal goals. This balance is also the foundation for our employees to achieve outstanding performance. The concept of lifelong learning and transforming perspectives is deeply rooted in our leadership culture.

This is our philosophy

In Beideli's team, participants and promoters enhance mutual trust, honesty, overall awareness, collaboration and service spirit, which are reflected in every one of the best people. Educating people is the foundation of employing people. According to the characteristics of different categories and different levels of talents, we will continue to improve and innovate the talent training mechanism, establish theoretical training and practice, establish a wide-covering, multi-level and open-ended talent training system, and gradually establish personnel training in line with the group-type enterprise environment. New mode.

Beideli always adheres to the "people-oriented" concept of talents, with the core goal of "improving the value of human resources and strengthening the advantages of specialization", and continues to improve the incentive and restraint mechanisms such as performance management, compensation management and quality improvement, and form professional management talents and technical talents. The talent structure of the trinity of marketing talents. Provide a platform for talents to grow, so that talents can become a strong support for the sustainable development of enterprises, and achieve the common growth and common development of enterprises and talents.

Our recruitment information

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